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Cockroaches are among the most resilient insects on the planet. They can survive being drenched in water, upside-down or even completely immersed in it for several minutes. They can go without air for 45 minutes, and their ability to produce new red blood cells makes them almost immune to icky parasites that would kill off other bugs. So could you chop off a cockroach’s head and see if it’s still able to run away from you? Well… we did. In this article you will find out everything you wanted to know about decapitated cockroaches but were afraid to ask.

Decapitated Roach Experiment and Findings

We have conducted several experiments with decapitated roaches. The main goal, which we tried to achieve in all experiments, is to figure out if a bug with no head will die. To do that, we decapitated several roaches with a pair of scissors, and placed them in a terrarium with food and water, to see if they survive or not. Overall, we have noticed several visible changes in the behavior of the roaches after decapitation. These include the loss of the ability to right itself, the loss of its feeding response and an increase in the rate at which its cells metabolize, resulting in a shorter lifespan for the insect. The first experiment was done with a single roach. We decapitated it by pressing a pair of scissors over its head, and then cutting straight down the middle of the body. We placed it in a terrarium with food and water to figure out if it can survive. The roach lived for exactly 1 day after the experiment was completed. The second experiment was done with another roach, this time with a group of 3 roaches. The experiment was identical in terms of the decapitation process, but the terrarium was shared between two decapitated roaches and a single roach that was not decapitated. This experiment was done to figure out if a decapitated roach would be able to feed and drink by itself. To our surprise, the two roaches were unable to drink, but one of them managed to eat a small amount of food. After 6 days, all three roaches had died.

Aftermath of Decapitation

A decapitated roach will lose the ability to feed itself and move around. Most importantly, it loses the ability to drink water. This is because the “feeding response”, the mechanism by which a roach determines what is food, is controlled by the mouth. This means that after decapitation, the roach is unable to tell what is and isn’t food. It will also lose the ability to move around by itself. This is caused by the loss of the central nervous system, which is responsible for the movement of the roach. As a result, the roach will fall on its back, as it has no way of knowing how to roll back over. Finally, a roach will lose its ability to move its mouth, and its ability to breathe. This is due to the fact that the nerves that are responsible for the movement of these organs are both located in the head of a roach.

Roach Anatomy

To understand why a decapitated roach can’t survive, it’s important to first understand what a roach’s brain does for it. A roach’s brain is responsible for controlling how it moves, reacts to (or avoids) certain stimuli, and what it does in general. If the brain is destroyed, the roach will die. In addition to being responsible for movement, the roach’s brain also serves to control its feeding response. This means that a roach’s brain has to be fully functional in order for it to feed itself. Finally, the brain of a roach is responsible for regulating its breathing. However, a roach’s lungs are not located in its brain. Instead, they are located in its thorax. The brain of a roach is also responsible for regulating its heartbeat.

The Big Question: Would a decapitated cockroach die?

This is the question that we were trying to answer in all the experiments. It might seem like a strange question to ask, but when you think about it, it makes perfect sense. If a roach can lose its ability to feed itself, move around, and breathe by itself, then it seems like it would only be a matter of time until it dies. The main question here is what would happen if you cut off the head of a roach. Would it die because there would be no way for it to feed itself? Or would it just not be able to move around anymore? We have conducted experiments with decapitated roaches in order to find out. As it turns out, a roach will die if you cut off its head. This is because a roach’s brain is responsible for regulating its heartbeat, as well as its feeding response. Without a brain, it’s impossible for a roach to feed itself, let alone survive.


The experiment that we have conducted proves that a decapitated roach will die if it is not fed. This is because, without a proper brain, a roach is unable to feed itself, let alone survive. A roach’s brain is also responsible for its feeding response, which means that without a brain, it is unable to feed itself. Therefore, a decapitated roach will die because there is no way for it to feed itself.