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how to keep cockroaches away at night

Cockroaches are creepy crawlers that reside in dark, damp places like the basement or kitchen. These pests can quickly invade your home and make you feel like a prisoner in your own house. Although cockroaches are nocturnal creatures, they can be found roaming around during the day time. They are also known to come out of hiding when there is a source of food nearby. Unfortunately, if you have cockroaches in your home, this means they have an abundant food source from which to feed. Keeping cockroaches away at night is essential to preventing them from establishing a permanent residence in your home. Read on for our top tips on how to keep these pesky critters away at night.
Install a Cockroach Trap
Cockroach traps are a cheap and environmentally friendly way to keep these pests out of your home. There are a number of different types of cockroach traps available. Some are designed to be placed inside your house, while others are for outdoor use. If you want to trap pests that are already present in your home, avoid the indoor traps. If you have a serious infestation of cockroaches, it’s best to call in a professional exterminator as soon as possible. A professional pest control company can help you determine the best course of action. Cockroach traps work by luring the pests inside using a food source. The bugs enter the trap and can’t find their way out. This trap is equipped with a bacteria-breeding substance that will kill the critters and make them go away. If you’re having issues with rodents, however, this trap will not work.
Remove All Food Sources
Feeding your pets inside or leaving food out for them to eat outside is a surefire way to attract cockroaches. Keeping your pet fed inside, cleaning up after them, and keeping food in the refrigerator will ensure that these pests don’t make themselves at home in your home. Keeping your kitchen clean is an important part of keeping pests away. Make sure to throw out or put away any open food packages that may be present in your kitchen. Clean any spills, including those from coffee, tea, or other beverages. If you have a garden, make sure to remove any rotting or fallen fruits and vegetables. The decaying matter left behind by these plant matter is a food source for pests and bugs.
Use Baking Soda
Baking soda is a great home remedy that can help keep pests away, including cockroaches. Sprinkle baking soda around the areas where you see roaches most often. Baking soda repels pests thanks to its alkaline properties. Because roaches use their feelers to navigate, the baking soda will irritate and damage their sensory organs. You can also use baking soda to clean your cabinets and drawers. Baking soda can help you kill bacteria and repel pests. Sprinkle baking soda inside your cabinets and drawers and let it sit for a few hours before you clean it out.
Use Dry Oranges
Dry oranges are a great way to keep pests away. In addition to cockroaches, dry oranges can prevent silverfish, spiders, mice, and other pests from entering your home. Dry oranges contain an essential oil that roaches and other pests find repulsive. Dry oranges are a safe, non-toxic way to repel pests from your home. Dry oranges are also easy to use as an effective pest repellent. Simply slice an orange and place the slices in corners of your house and cabinets. You can also place slices in drawers and cabinets to keep pests out and your clothes free from pests.
Use lavender and peppermint essential oils
Using essential oils is another way to keep pests away. Specifically, pests are allergic to lavender and peppermint oil. Using a diffuser to release these oils in the air is a safe and effective way to protect your home from pests. Using a diffuser is easy. Simply add a few drops of diffuser oil to a diffuser and turn it on. The diffuser releases a scent that will repel pests and keep them away. You can use diffuser oil with any diffuser. Simply select a diffuser oil that contains lavender and peppermint. You can also use essential oils to clean and protect your home. Add a few drops of essential oil to a mop water or a bucket of water. Cleaning with essential oils is a safe, effective way to repel pests from your home.
Cockroaches are unsanitary pests that can cause serious health issues if they’re left untreated. In order to keep these critters out of your home, you need to remove all food sources, clean your home regularly, and keep your yard free from decaying plant matter. It’s important to take action as soon as you notice a few roaches. If you don’t, the problem will only get worse. Luckily, there are a number of ways to keep cockroaches away at night. With these tips, you can ensure that your home remains free from these creepy crawlers.