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do cockroach bite

Cockroaches are probably the least appealing of all potential insects that we could encounter. They are universally reviled and known for their ability to survive in the most hostile of circumstances and filthy environments. That said, a cockroach will not deliberately seek you out and attack you; they are more likely to run away from you and go into hiding when they sense danger. An adult cockroach won’t bite as such, but if it is threatened it may give you a nip with its mandibles (mouthparts). The ersatz ‘cockroach bite’ is more likely to happen if you are unfortunate enough to discover a hidden population of these creatures while staying in an old building with poor lighting or ventilation. If you lean towards the paranoid end of the spectrum, then simply knowing that there is a roach somewhere nearby might be enough to provoke some sort of reaction.
What to look out for
If you think you’ve spotted a cockroach near your home, there are a few things that you should look out for to confirm that this is indeed an adult cockroach and not one of its more benign relatives. Adults are long (between 5 and 10 cm) and thin with six legs (more on that below). Their colouration varies from brown to black, with a lighter yellow or tan pattern on their wings. Wings are present on females but are absent from males. When threatened, many species of cockroach will ‘explode’, shooting noxious secretions from their abdomen and out of their legs. This includes the German cockroach, which is notorious for its ability to survive in human dwellings.
Ways to avoid being bitten by a cockroach
If you find yourself in a tight spot with a cockroach – say you have accidentally trapped one in a cupboard or other small space – the best way to avoid being bitten is to be patient and calm. A cockroach is a wild animal, just like any other, so the best way to avoid being bitten is to remain calm and slow. No sudden movements or loud noises! If you see a roach and want to take it outside or remove it from your house, do it slowly. Try not to make any sudden movements or loud noises. Be sure to use gloves when handling the roach and try to get it outside with a cardboard box or something similar.
How to recognize a cockroach bite
The ersatz ‘cockroach bite’ is more likely to happen if you are unfortunate enough to discover a hidden population of these creatures while staying in an old building with poor lighting or ventilation. If you lean towards the paranoid end of the spectrum, then simply knowing that there is a roach somewhere nearby might be enough to provoke some sort of reaction. A roach bite can be hard to detect, as the wound may be very small. Only a small percentage of ‘roaches are actually capable of breaking human skin, so if you discover that there are roaches in your home and you suddenly feel a small bite-like sting, it is probably a false alarm. If you do get bitten by a roach, you may experience some swelling and irritation. You may also develop a small wound from the bite.
How to treat a cockroach bite
If you are unfortunate enough to be bitten by a cockroach, all is not lost. There are a few things that you can do to soothe the bite and reduce swelling. Gently wash the bite wound with soap and warm water. Be careful not to scrub the wound, as this could cause further irritation. – Apply a cold compress to the area. This will help reduce swelling and calm the area. – Use an antiseptic ointment to prevent infection. – Take an over-the-counter pain reliever if necessary. – Seek medical attention if the bite looks infected or if you have a high fever.
The bite of a cockroach should not be taken lightly, but it is unlikely to cause serious harm. To avoid being bitten by a roach, keep your home clean and free of food crumbs (which they like to eat) and pests like roaches will have no reason to stay. A good way to keep roaches from entering your home is to make sure that all cracks and crevices are sealed and caulked. Also, be sure to keep your garbage cans closed at all times. Cockroaches are a sign of poor hygiene and housekeeping, so take the problem seriously and clean up!